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Showing posts from April, 2018

An Unfortunate Run

I wished to be something great Something phenomenal To get there I knew Would take a lot of struggle I was prepared for the struggle But so I thought They left me alone And suddenly I was caught I still fought hard Tried to find strength in anything that was left Pretty soon my breath ran out I started to pant and heft All of them took it slow For the real run hadn't yet started Whatever was left started steaming away And that's where our ways parted I tried to yell I tried to scream But they thought my thoughts were crippled They told me to bear it And so my voice was stiffled Everything became fast now For the show had just begun I tried to keep up but in vain For my energy was long gone Yet my spirit lay unbroken For a minor victory was gained But now nobody even cared For my heart that pained They did feel some sympathy For the boy who's now weak They each had something to tell On how to get there quick I was tired and sick Of t