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The Last Zeros

Where did those days go?
The days where future was still in the future. The days when the internet was a hub for only information and restricted for the knowledgeable and used on PC's and Laptops.

I was born during that era and yet I didn't experience it for a long time. Maybe I touched its dying edge. But otherwise the transition was just too fast.

You know the time I'm talking about. Writers found typewriters more comfortable than computers. The tacking sounds of the pins striking the paper, the essence of every letter making its mark on that plain sheet of wonders.
The times when music was bought in stores on tapes or CD's. Yeah, times were nice.

No social networks other than people living closeby. Mass media included paper usage and people had their private spaces.

Good were the times when a person's autograph was special and a photograph required a significant amount of time, money and effort.

Yes, you know exactly what I'm talking about now. The pre-facebook era. That brief period when things could be exclusive. Which was slowly disintegrated by the development of this network of connectivity.

The number of people who liked you mattered more than the number of 'Likes' you got. Following, was considered creepy. You had friends you could actually talk to. The post office was the busiest part of town. And a private statement of comedians didn't make national news.

Oh how I wish to experience stuff like that. To actually hold one song in hand, a plastic box that fit in my hand. To feel the click as the tape entered the player. Oh! That satisfying click. Pressing the play button and listening to the few seconds of blank tape just rubbing across until the song arrived. Auto tuning did not exist around much and a song was substantially dependent on the voice by which it was sung.

Like I mentioned earlier the post office was really active. Mail meant to go to the mailbox and opening the crisp paper envelope. To open that folded piece of paper and reveal the content which had taken some time and traveled distance to actually get there. Damn! Weren't those days just sweet.


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