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The Sins of Being Me

I awaken to find this storm around me. This hazy image I'm not sure what. Whatever I think I was, was just a dream. When this illusion comes to an end, reality seems adrift to the winds. I'm not sure where I am or what to do next. I'm not sure if its dawn or dusk. I see a sign that I recognize. An old memory comes into picture. Not a whole, but a fragment of a memory. That person, that entity brings pain. But at this moment I would take anything, anything to kick start my senses. Anything to get me out of my foggy oblivion. And then the pain kicks in and the fog dissapears. Entities have surrounded me. Some real, some free. And some looking at me with utmost pity. And then the truth struck . The dream is about to be the reality. And as the sun sets on me, the heat takes me in. 


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